British Author

Broken Rule Coming Soon

Dear Readers,

Broken Rule the second Book in the River Rule Trilogy is coming out this November!

You can Pre-Order you copy here

Some of you have patiently waited to join Una and Avi on their journey again and I hope that you will agree with me that it was worth the wait.

I relished writing Broken Rule because it meant I could delve deeper into the main characters’ psyche as they became familiar with their new surroundings and the extents to which they can push themselves and each other.

When reading the book, you will learn the that a single addition or a subtraction to the Blessed and Forced tribes creates ripples which significantly change the course of centuries of guardianship of the jungle – thus causing pandemonium.

 For the new readers of the River Rule Trilogy first of all welcome!

Just for you I have brought out a second edition of River Rule which will be coming out on the same day as Broken Rule. You can read previous reviews for River Rule on Goodreads(Here) and Amazon (Here)

You can Pre-Order you copy here

Now for the all-important blurb of Broken Rule 

Una survives her first deadly night on the wrong side of the jungle track.

But for how long?

Last night, Wolf’ tricked her into breaking the most sacred of rules.  As a result, pandemonium breaks out in the Blessed camp. Paradoxically, Wolf claims he is the only one who can keep her safe. Cornered Una sides with Wolf and the Forced Blessed and becomes Wolf’s to manipulate.

Avi despairs. Aware of Una’s devastating actions, he struggles to link the Una he knows to the girl who now walks with his enemy. For the sake of the jungle, Avi remains committed to restoring peace – only one true leader can reign.

With secrets unfolding and tensions running high between the Blessed and Forced Blessed, Avi and Una remain loyal to their missions. Thus, testing their fragile connection to the limit.

Can their bond survive the ultimate betrayal?

Ooh! I can’t wait to hear what you think but I am going to have to.

Too get the first chapter of Broken Rule you can sign up to my mailing list here

See you soon!


Author of the River Rule Trilogy

P.S. If anyone would like to review the book in their book club and put their reviews on GoodReads and Amazon then please email me on, and I will sort out the details with you.

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