Thank you, wonderful friends, and supporters, for your pledges and support. The Broken Rule Kickstarter came to an end and we reached our target of £2000. In fact, we surpassed our target when pledges of £2063 were made. Some of you upped your pledges midway too. We hope to have […]
13 posts
Happy Thursday dear friends, My Kickstarter fundraising project is live ! If you want to support me you can contribute by choosing one of the various tiers of support. By now many of you know I have finished the writing of my second book – Broken Rule – in the […]
Foreshadowing. How to feed a coincidental end to your reader and still keep them thrilled with your book. I remember reading a celebrated author’s book, I loved it until I read the resolution. All I could think was WHAT HAPPENDED THERE? In the end I was pretty pissed and wondered […]